L.E.T. Onsite Workshops

We can send one of our certified L.E.T. Facilitators to your site for a workshop that caters to your company’s needs. We will help identify what company or management issues you would like our skills training to address before the workshop takes place. We can cater in-class exercises to specifically address your company’s (or market-segment) issues so topics will resonate with participants’ experiences, thus increasing their involvement.leadership

For larger companies that wish to test-drive our workshops before committing to training in-house staff, an Onsite Workshop is a great solution.

Platinum Package

  1. Two-hour “Needs Planning” Session
  2. 360 Pre-Assessment for 20 Participants
  3. 3-Day L.E.T. Workshop* (or six, three-hour sessions online)
  4. L.E.T. Workshop Materials for 20 Participants
  5. 360 Post-Assessment for 20 Participants
  6. E-Newsletter reinforcement (“L.E.T. Connection” blog)
  7. Four Hours online/phone coaching with L.E.T. Facilitator
  8. Facilitator Certification for Two at In-Person Facilitator Workshop
  9. L.E.T. Co-Teach Workshop* & Materials for 10 Participants
  10. 20 Sets of Workshop Materials for New Facilitators for Qualifying Workshop (10 sets per Facilitator)

(Please contact us for pricing information.)

Gold Package

  1. Two-Hour “Needs Planning” Session
  2. 360 Pre-Assessment for up to 20 Participants
  3. 3-Day L.E.T. Workshop* (or six, three-hour sessions online)
  4. L.E.T. Workshop Materials for 20 Participants
  5. 360 Post-Assessment for 20 Participants
  6. E-newsletter reinforcement (“L.E.T. Connection” blog)
  7. Two-hours online/phone coaching with L.E.T. Facilitator

(Please contact us for pricing information.)

Silver Package

  1. 3-Day L.E.T. Workshop* (or six, three-hour sessions online)
  2. L.E.T. Workshop Materials for 20 Participants
  3. E-newsletter reinforcement (“L.E.T. Connection” blog)
  4. One-hour online/phone coaching with L.E.T. Facilitator

Please contact us for pricing information.

*Facilitator’s travel and expenses associated with this workshop are additional. L.E.T. can be taught in two days for workshops with no more ten participants.  For workshops with 11-20 participants, the L.E.T. Workshop is three days.

For more information, please contact us:

Tel: 800.628.1197, ext. 308
Em: workplace@gordontraining.com

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