Be Your Best Online Class Calendar

​The Be Your Best program is for couples and any individual who wants to become more effective at communicating in either their personal and/or professional life (not just for parents). Be Your Best offers you the interpersonal communication skills to become more assertive, less (passive) aggressive, and less permissive, to live up to your full potential and build and maintain good relationships with others.

The communication and conflict resolution skills you will learn will help you take more responsibility for your life and unlock the power to improve your relationships at home and work. Once learned and practiced, these skills will become an integral part of your day-to-day communication in all your relationships.

2024 Be Your Best Class Calendar – Click on Facilitator Name to Enroll
Sep 8 – Nov 3 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (PT); Sun Morn – Online  Meike Lemmens
TBD Zoom/Online TBD

Would you like a private online Be Your Best online or in-person class for your team or for a group of friends?  Contact us for more information. If you would like a Master Trainer for Be Your Best to come to your community, we can arrange for a private, custom workshop for you. Please contact us—we’d love to help!

Tel:  800.628.1197

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