Happy St. Parent’s Day!

It was the year of 1962parenting st patrick limerick
When Thomas Gordon knew
That he wanted to reach
Parents he could teach
Skills he’d been trained to do.


He called it P.E.T.
He hoped to help parents to see
That they could cope
That there was hope
To be the parents they wanted to be.


He created an amazing tool
The Window is unique and cool
It helps to define
Is it your problem or mine?
And it works as a general rule.


It shows which skill to apply
On the problem you identify
It can be solved
Or even resolved
On that you can rely.


Now this brilliant invention
Has gained worldwide attention
Parents everywhere need
These skills to succeed
And raise their kids with intention.


So in its 63rd year
It’s now even more clear
That it’s good to recall
Who started it all
The man we hold so dear.

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