This is a partial list of past and present GTI’s corporate clients.
For more information, please contact us.
Adolph Coors Adams 12 Five Star Schools Adams Bank Advance Input Systems Affordable Interior Systems AGC Technical Center Agilent Technologies AgriBank Architects Orange AIM Systems Airxchange Alcan Sheet & Plate ALCOA Alene Candles Amazon American Airlines American Commercial Lines American Express Amicorp Armstrong Bank Armtec AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals AT&T Automobile Assoc. of America Auxitrol AVISTA Avery Label B&G Foods BankPlus Bayer BCB Homes Bell Telephone Laboratories Belt Tecnhologies B.F. Goodrich Blount Fine Foods Blue Cross/Blue Shield BMW Bindview Blue Hornet Networks Boiron Borden Chemical Borg Warner Boston Public Schools Brockway Smith Burndy Cabot Microelectronics Calgon California Dept. of Justice Canadian Patient Safety Inst. Carhartt Carlisle Interconnect Centeon Centinel Bank Centinel Bank of Taos Central Bank of Ireland Chaco USA Chemical Bank of NY Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chrysler Citibank Citizen’s & Farmer’s Bank Citizen’s Security Bank City of Danville, VA City of Garland, TX City of Klamath Falls, OR City of Petaluma, CA Clark County Sheriff’s Dept. Clark Retirement Community Coach Leatherware Coca Cola Cochlear Colonial Electronic Manufacturers Community First Credit Union Con Edison Cooper Surgical CoreFirst Bank & Trust County of Roanoke County of Sacramento – OCIT Covidien CPI Radant Technologies Crandall Partners Crown Zellerbach CSX Transportation Data Strategy Del Webb Diamond Shamrock DiCorp Digital Equipment Distron Corporation Durkee-French Eagle Quest International Easton Bank and Trust EDS Nuclear Educational Comm. Credit Union Egypt Valley Country Club Electrochem Enerpac EPCOR Ephrata National Bank Ernst & Young Esterline Esterline Korry Evergreen Consulting Group FAA Farmland Industries Federal Express Fedex Freight East Fedex Freight West Ferguson Enterprises First Natl. Bank of Arizona First Natl. Bank of Chester Cty. First Natl. Bank of Nevada First Natl. Bank of Omaha First Natl. Bank of Southern CA Flexfab FloraCraft Florida DOT Foodmaker Forest Lawn Memorial Park Ft. Campbell Fed Cred Union Fort James FORUM Credit Union France Telecom Freedom Bank Fulton Financial Gallatin Gateway School General Atomics General Dynamics General Electric General Motors Genstar Georgia-Pacific gkkworks Glazier Foods Good Samaritan Med. Ctr. Goodyear Aerospace Gordon Food Service Grand Rapids Foam Technologies Great Lakes Computer Grundig Hames Corporation Harborside Christian Church Hastings Mutual Insurance H.E.B. Grocery Heineken-Amstel Breweries Hi-Liner Holiday Inns of America Holland Group Home Depot Home Market Foods Home Town Pharmacy Honeywell Human Productivity Center Humane Society of W. Michigan Huron University College Hytek Finishes IBM Image Stream Medical Inland Container Inno-versity Insight Technologies Irwin Seating James River Jantzen Pharmaceuticals Jim Walter Resources Jockey International K & L Microwave Kahtoola KAW Services Kaw Valley Engineering Korry Electronics Koso America Kimberly-Clark Kinetic Solutions LLC Kirkhill-TA Kurt Salmon Associates Laboratoire Glaxo Wellcome Lampin Corporation Landmark Bank Leach International Leader Alliance Levi Strauss LIMEX |
Little Blue Valley Sewer District Loews Hotels Louisville Bedding Louisville Water Lubbock National Bank Lycoming Housing Authority Mabrey Bank Magna Donnelly Magna Training Mahina-Maui Massachusetts MEP Meijer Medtronic Medtronic Shanghai Medtronic Sofamor Danek Memorex Memtron Mercantile Bank of Michigan Merck & Co., Inc. Merck Frosst Merck, Sharp & Dohme Merck, Sharp & Dohme Idea Methodist Medical Center Microsemi Microsoft China Mid-Continent Public Library Miles Laboratories Miller-Valentine Group M & K Engineering M&M-Mars Monadnock Paper Montezuma Manufacturing Muirhead Aerospace Mutual of Omaha Motorola Nama Chemicals Neptune Food Service Nestle New Hampshire MEP Nextel Partners Nimbus Business Development Nortek Security & Control Northview Public Schools Northwestern Bank Norwich Aero Products NRL Federal Credit Union ODL Old Kent Financial Corporation Old Smith Printing Oliver-Tolas Healthcare Packaging Optio Data Oregon Air National Guard Orion Rising LLC Orlando Fed Cred Union Ottagan Addictions Recovery Otis Elevator Ozark Progressive Bank Pacific Legal Foundation Padnos Page 1 Bookstore Palomar Products PCL Constructors, Inc. Peninsula Regional Medical Ctr Pennsylvania Power & Light Peugeot Philip Morris Philips Pirelli Plan Group Polo/Ralph Lauren Polytainers Presmet Corporation Proctor & Gamble Primavera Systems PRN Consulting Pueblo of Laguna Utility Quaker Oats QuantumClean Racal Acoustics Radford University Redwood Capital Bank Renoir Staffing Republic Bank Rexa Electraulic Rex-Cut Abrasives Right to Play R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Roche Laboratories Rockwell International RXO Logistics Sacred Heart Parish San Diego Police Dept. Savage Arms Schwan’s Sales Enterprises Second Wind Security Bank Security Pacific Bank Seroka & Associates Shell Oil Sierra Pacific Mortgage Sony Electronics South Co. Southbridge Sheet Metal Works Southern Hills Country Club Southwestern Bell Telephone Southwick-Brooks Brothers Space Age Electronics Spartan Foods Speedrack Products Smith & Wesson St. Joseph’s Healthcare State Savings Bank State of Maine-DHHS State of Maine-DMV State of Maine-DOT Stickler Learning Sturm Ruger Suburu-Isuzu Sullivan Paper Company Sunflower Bank Sun Refining & Marketing Sun Valley Solar Solutions Sun Title Agency TA Aerospace Tap Air Portugal Technical Graphics Tegra Medical Tektronix The People’s Bank Tiara Yachts Tini Citi Preschool Tioga State Bank Tommy Bahama Toyota Motor Manufacturing Tower Automotive Transmatic Tri-County Telephone Assn. U-Care Unilever Unisys United Lens United Church of Christ-Ohio University of Western Ontario Upshaw Management U.S. Air Force, Ft. McClellan U.S. Army Chaplains School U.S. Army Defense Forensic Sciences U.S. Court So. District of Texas U.S. Dept. of Agriculture US Gypsum Vale Inco Vermont National Bank Via Verde Dental Virginia MEP Vision Europe VitalCare Volvo W.L. Gore & Associates Walsh Mechanical Contractors Walt Disney Imagineering Waypoint Bank Webvan WearGuard-Crest Welch State Bank Western Auto Western University Weyerhaeuser Wisconsin Credit Union League Worcester Envelope XPO Logistics Yoakum National Bank YMCA-Seattle YMCA-Olympia Zurich Insurance |
For more information, please contact us:
Tel: 800.628.1197