Imagine if you could create a climate of collaboration where influence and respect triumphed over aggression and “just do what I tell you”.
Imagine leaders, managers and supervisors who could create that climate with an engaged workforce that’s truly invested in making the company a success.
So what do you want to create at your work? Leaders who say they listen but really don’t? Who are promoted due to job expertise but have no “people skills”? Leaders who get the job done but leave a wake of destruction? Of course you don’t want this, right? But is it happening right now at your organization?
What if we told you we can help you fix these problems?
We can.
Imagine this is your workplace: Managers who seek others’ input and really hear it. Leaders who enable others to solve their own problems. Leaders that build consensus through collaborative power, not just because of their job title. People who are excited to come to work and work hard to make your company successful?
Truly effective leadership programs? They’re not just about the skills. It’s about what DRIVES them. So what drives YOU?
Call us and let’s talk about it. We’re really good at listening. 800.628.1197 –
Workshop Description
All L.E.T. Workshops are led by specially-trained and authorized L.E.T. Facilitators. Throughout the intensive program, you will learn how and when to utilize the L.E.T. skills through presentations, coaching, video demonstrations, coaching, skill practice exercises, (did we mention coaching?) workbook exercises and small group discussions and activities.
Are you a member of SHRM? Earn up to 21 PDC’s with L.E.T. – Leader Effectiveness Training is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.
A recent (June, 2024) L.E.T. Graduate wrote a tremendous, entertaining and insightful blog, summing up what he learned–and we wanted to share it with you.
Check out this very short video to check out our “brand” of leadership training.
After the L.E.T. Workshop, it is expected that you will have learned how to:
1. Determine who “owns the problem” in a given situation.
2. Identify the 12 Roadblocks to communication.
3. Distinguish between Roadblocks and Active Listening.
4. Avoid the Roadblocks that cause most helping attempts to fail.
5. Recognize when team members need your help as a skilled listener.
6. Use silence, acknowledgments and door-openers to help another person with a problem.
7. Active Listen to hear another’s feelings.
8. Active Listen to clarify information.
9. Distinguish between Acceptable and Unacceptable Behavior.
10. Determine what to do when another’s behavior is interfering with you meeting your needs.
11. Develop a three-part Confrontive I-Message.
12. Confront another’s unacceptable behavior with an I-Message.
13. Shift gears between I-Messages and Active Listening when appropriate.
14. Acknowledge others’ efforts with Appreciative I-Messages.
15. Prevent problems and conflicts using Preventive I-Messages.
16. Recognize conflict situations.
17. Distinguish between Conflicts-of-Needs and Values Collisions.
18. Avoid the use of Method I.
19. Avoid the use of Method II.
20. Set the stage for Method III Conflict Resolution.
21. Use Method III to resolve a conflict you have with another person.
22. Use Method III to mediate a conflict between others.
23. Handle Values Collisions.
24. Use the Principle of Participation when there’s an issue or problem involving team members.
If your company prefers a private workshop, we can bring the training experience to you (online or in-person) on dates/times that are convenient to you. Click here to read about the different delivery options for companies, or email us at: for more information.
We also offer L.E.T. Facilitator Certification–the most economical way to equip your team with the people skills they need.
How To enroll in any of the workshops below: Click on the Facilitator Name to contact them directly to enroll or to inquire further about pricing, daily schedule, location, etc.
2025 L.E.T. Workshop Calendar – Click on Facilitator Name/GTI for More Information | ||
Jan 11 – Mar 1 | 9:00am – 4:00pm; 4 Saturdays; Amsterdam (in DUTCH) – In-Person (Facilitator: Jan Dirk van Abshoven) | Contact Gordon Training Amsterdam |
Jan 15 – Mar 5 | 9:00am – 4:00pm; 4 Wednesdays; Amsterdam (in DUTCH) – In-Person (Facilitator: Jan Dirk van Abshoven) | Contact Gordon Training Amsterdam |
Jan 21 – Mar 4 | 9:00 am – 12:00 pm (PT); Tues Morn – Online; No class Feb 25 (Facilitator: Meike Lemmens) | Contact Effective Communication at Work |
Feb 7 – 9 | 9:30 am – 6:30 pm; Fri-Sun; Island of Chios (In GREEK) – In-Person (Facilitator: Patrick Akrivos) | Contact Praxis Akrivos |
Feb 25 – 26 | Ash Flat, AR – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
Mar 25 – 27 | Salem, MO – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
Apr 8 – 10 | Taos, NM – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
Apr 22 – 24 | Eureka, CA – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
Apr 24, 25 & May 8 | Dahlonega, GA – In-Person (Facilitators: Paige Healey & Carol Paige) | Contact Gordon Training |
Apr 23 – 25 | Grand Rapids, MI – In-Person (Facilitator: Steve Crandall) | Contact Gordon Training |
May 1 – 2 | Safety Harbor, FL – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Two Penny Consulting |
May 8 – 9 | Welch, OK – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
May 14 – 16 | Tampa, FL – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
Jun 5 – 6 | Tulsa, OK – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
Jun 12 – 13 | Yoakum, TX – In-Person (Facilitator: Tom Goodlet) | Contact Gordon Training |
Sep 23, 24 & Oct 7 | Paris, France; 9:00 am – 5:00 pm (In FRENCH) – In-Person (Facilitator: Nathalie Reinhardt) | Contact Gordon Crossings |
Sep 24 – 26 | Grand Rapids, MI – In-Person (Facilitator: Steve Crandall) | Contact Gordon Training |
Sep 25, 26 & Oct 9 | Dahlonega, GA – In-Person (Facilitators: Paige Healey & Carol Paige) | Contact Gordon Training |
For more information, please contact us:
Tel: 800.628.1197
Follow L.E.T. on Social Media: