With so many new events at Gordon Training since January, it’s hard to believe that we’re almost halfway through 2015 already. Here’s what’s been keeping us busy…
From January 26th to 31st, 17 participants got certified in the first P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop (ITW) held in Peru, facilitated by our Representative for Mexico and Master Trainer, Lauro Macias Ortega. It was made possible thanks to the support of José Taramona, GTI’s Representative in Peru and principal of Jean Le Boulch school who provided a great and very supportive staff during the entire training. 16 out of the 17 participants were teachers of the same institution. They are now teaching their first P.E.T. course and looking forward to having a T.E.T. ITW very soon.
In early March, our South African L.E.T. Licensee, Ms. Faith Masilo co-led with L.E.T. Master Trainer, Dr. Bill Stinnett, the first ever L.E.T Train-the-Trainer Workshop with trainer candidates from her company, Roche Diagnostics. During that visit, they co-facilitated an L.E.T. On-Site workshop and two L.E.T. Refresher Workshops as well. Ms. Masilo is on a mission to have everyone at her Roche facility go through a Gordon Model program. She offers L.E.T., L.E.T. Refresher, Synergistic Selling and Be Your Best.

Later on in March, we had our first L.E.T. workshop with a little start-up company you may have heard of—Amazon.com. The Director of Operations, George Schultz (former L.E.T. Trainer) worked with GTI to bring L.E.T. on board. Dr. Stinnett led a workshop for some of the top management of one Amazon.com’s larger fulfillment centers. Two trainer candidates (Tom Fieseler and Mike Scharpenberg) from Amazon’s management team also attended our most recent L.E.T. Train-the-Trainer Workshop in April. That L.E.T. Train-the-Trainer Workshop was a group of great, engaged, and passionate trainers from Esterline Technologies, Kurt Salmon and Nichols Display Group.
Lastly in March, Master Trainer Steve Emmons trained 5 new P.E.T. (Parent Effectiveness Training) Instructors in Malibu, California at Paradigm Malibu, an Adolescent Treatment Center which also provides P.E.T. workshops to their families.
The participants’ feedback on this workshop was extremely positive. One participant expressed: “I thoroughly enjoyed the training. This training provided me insightful tips and language to increase my communication with youth and families.”
For those who are interested in becoming a certified P.E.T. Instructor, we are offering a P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop in San Diego on October 12-16, 2015. The workshop consists of Trainer presentations, skill-building exercises, group activities and lots of practice teaching. It is being conducted by GTI Master Trainer, Steve Emmons (with over 35 years of experience in offering the Gordon Model programs both in the US and 16 other countries).We offer this type of public certification workshop only once every few years, so don’t miss this opportunity! For more information, email us at family@gordontraining.com.
In April, we officially welcomed our first ever L.E.T. Licensee for Iceland, Mr. Gudmundur Kristinsson! He will be trained in September at our next Train-the-Trainer Workshop, facilitated by Mr. Steve Crandall, L.E.T. Master Trainer.
Then in early May, we finalized a fresh, new revision of our Be Your Best workshop version for University Students. The purpose of this workshop is to support university students in their efforts to understand and then get what they want out of their lives, personally, professionally and in their relationships with others. The course is based on the belief that each of us has the right to meet our needs, while also respecting the rights of others. This course will offer students a set of personal and interpersonal skills that will help them achieve their untapped potential.
We are very excited to announce that we now have a representative for the Be Your Best course in Bulgaria and they will hold their first ITW this coming November in Varna. The new representative is the Center for Personal Development HARMONY and is headed by Klimentina Terzieva.
And that’s all the news from GTI so far this year!