We’ve got lots to share so let’s get to it!
We’re proud to welcome new Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) representatives for the following provinces in China: 1. Ms. Vivila Huang Shanghai of Shanghai Singing Culture Communication representing Shanghai, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, 2. Ms. Michelle Zheng of Shenzhen Nanshan District Anxin Growing Consultation Studio representing Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan and Hubei and, 3. Ms. Odette Omali and Mr. Jonathan Omali of Gordon Parenting representing Hong Kong, Macau and also the Philippines. Our tireless P.E.T. Master Trainer, Mr. Steve Emmons, has facilitated Instructor Training Workshops for them and our new reps are passionate, committed and driven to spread P.E.T. in China!

In other P.E.T. news, we have a Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor Training Workshop coming up in San Diego, October 17-21. It will be co-facilitated by Mr. Steve Emmons and Ms. Meike Lemmens. This workshop is filling up so please contact us if you’d like a seat at this special event.
Moving on to our Youth Effectiveness Training (Y.E.T.) program, we welcome our new (and for the first time in GTI history) Y.E.T. representative for Lebanon! Ms. Tania Sadaka and Mr. Roger Nader of the Believe organization and their team held a launching event (with our Y.E.T. Finnish Rep and Master Trainer, Mr. Markus Talvio presenting) for the program where attendees included: Ministers of Education from the top three universities in Lebanon, schools representatives, teachers and scholar psychologists, potential donors and social workers. The Believe organization is on a mission to “Empower young people to become positive Change Agents and to build a culture of love and peace within their families and communities.” They will have a Y.E.T. ITW in August, 2016 with Markus.
Dr. Bill Stinnett (L.E.T. Master Trainer) facilitated (July, 2016) an L.E.T. Train-the-Trainer Workshop for our L.E.T. Icelandic Licensee, Mr. Gudmundur Kristinsson and his new L.E.T. organization. Mr. Kristinsson is on a mission to spread the Gordon Model to the entire country! We send our best wishes to him….and also congratulations to the Iceland soccer team for their heroic effort!
Other L.E.T. news includes that our Greek L.E.T. Licensee, Mr. Alecos Papagos, has taught several L.E.T. workshops to a little company you might have heard of—Coca Cola. The L.E.T. future looks very bright and bubbly. :). Also, we now have a new L.E.T. service for graduates—Skype Coaching with Dr. Bill. Contact Michelle Adams for more information. And last but not least, we have our L.E.T. Train-the-Trainer Workshop coming up in San Diego, October 3-7 on Coronado Island. There we will have trainer candidates from Greece, USA, and Finland. Following the training, our new Finnish licensee, Mr. Markus Talvio, will begin offering the program there.
Last but not least in L.E.T. news, since 1977 we’ve been so very fortunate to have one of the finest L.E.T. Trainers in all the world teaching L.E.T. to THOUSANDS of people, the one…the only….Dr. Bud Upshaw. He announced his official retirement recently much to our dismay, though he did point out that like a lot of people who “retire”, he’s not completely “out of the picture” and might just be available every now and then when special needs arise. That’s nice to know, because he’s a legend and he’s been an integral part of the Gordon Training family for many, many years. We will keep in touch, but we’re deeply sorry to no longer have him in our ongoing, regular cadre. We love you, Bud, and we are indebted to you beyond words for all that you’ve done for the Gordon Model and the world.
Our P.E.T. Representative, Ms. Heidi Malan, and her organization will have their first ever instructor’s conference this Fall! Linda and Michelle Adams will be on hand to help celebrate and speak to her rapidly growing group of P.E.T., Y.E.T. and T.E.T. instructors. Heidi has also translated the P.E.T. book into Afrikaans and it is now available.
Finally, we are proud to announce a radically new website for Gordon Training which we are REALLY excited about. We hope you like it!
That’s all GTI fans! Have a great rest of your summer!