L.E.T. News Around the World
We’re proud to say that the first L.E.T. Workshop in Egypt was taught in April by our passionate and committed new L.E.T. Licensee there, Ms. Iman Ebada Sarhan (www.lifecoachers.net) and more will follow! Congratulations, Iman and company!
It has been a banner year for L.E.T. at W.L. Gore in Germany—11 on-site workshops there this year—and more planned for next year as well! Fantastisch! Also in Germany, we now have two in-house trainers at our oldest L.E.T. client on the planet—Kurt Salmon.
We had a sold-out Train-the-Trainer Workshop for L.E.T. taught by the amazing Mr. Steve Crandall, Master Trainer since 1981! The participants were from amazon.com, KAW Services, Kurt Salmon, MassMEP, our new L.E.T. Licensee from Iceland and Esterline Technologies of Mexico. Welcome Smanthia, Angela, Peter, Gary, Gudmundur and Jorge!
In November, one of our L.E.T. Master Trainers, the one and only Dr. Bill Stinnett, conducted two very successful L.E.T. and two C.R.W. on-site Workshops in Saudi Arabia for Chemanol. Here is feedback from their HR Leader, Mr. Al Sayed:
“Chemanol HR- L&D department arranged amazing L.E.T “Leader Effectiveness Training ” Course with an exceptional effort from the professional trainer Dr. Bill Stinnett ensuring that our current and future leaders are demonstrating the required skills.”
Another first was an L.E.T. in Morocco, in French, taught by the fabulous Ms. Kathleen Fisher, in-house trainer at Esterline Technologies, a long-time L.E.T. client!
And finally, it’s a little known fact but 2015 marks SIXTY (60!) years since the L.E.T. skills have been on the planet. Dr. Gordon’s first book, entitled “Group-Centered Leadership” was published in 1955. It was too radical for its time (plus it was very academic), talking about crazy concepts like “participative management” and “leaderless groups” so it didn’t sell well, but look where L.E.T. is now. Thank you, Thomas Gordon!
P.E.T. News Around the World
Earlier this year, we reached agreement with Francoise Labelle of Rose Hill, Mauritius to represent P.E.T. there. Francoise first contacted us in 2010 after having met our former French Representative and learning about P.E.T. some years before. Francoise taught her first P.E.T. course this past summer in French and is now offering the second one to English-speaking expats.
In September, extraordinary Master Trainer Lauro Macias Ortega, spent two weeks in Bilbao, Spain where he led a P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop (ITW) and then Be Your Best and Y.E.T. Add-on Workshops for Gordon Training España.

We are very excited to announce that we have re-started P.E.T. in China with two new Representatives. In August, we made an agreement with the Toyohu organization of Chengdu, Sichan. Ms. Mabel Zhang is the director of Toyohu which has the exclusive right to offer P.E.T. in the provinces of Sichan, Yunnan, Guizhou and the municipality of Chongqing. Toyohu is also the distributor of the P.E.T. materials throughout the PRC. They held their first P.E.T. ITW in September which was conducted by GTI Master Trainer Steve Emmons. Many of the newly-trained Instructors have already begun teaching P.E.T. courses.
We also have a new Representative for Beijing and the Tianjin, Hebei and Shandong provinces. The Horigo organization headed by Jason Zhang has also held its first P.E.T. ITW which Steve Emmons led in October, 2015. Steve returned to Beijing in December to conduct the second phase of the training with the assistance of Michelle Zheng, the first certified Instructor Trainer in China.
We were very pleased to welcome Mr. Zhang when he came to San Diego in October to visit us.
Gordon Training International (GTI) and Michelle Zheng are in the process of making an agreement for her organization to represent Guangdong and several other Chinese provinces. Michelle has been and continues to be a very effective P.E.T. spokesperson and trainer.
And on the other side of the world, the Corporacion Impacto Vital of Bogota is GTI’s new Representative in Colombia. This company is headed by Adriana Angarita. They are planning now for the training of the first group of P.E.T. Instructors in Colombia.
In October, indefatigable Master Trainer, Steve Emmons (with over 40 years of experience in offering the Gordon Model programs both in the US and over two dozen other countries), trained 14 new P.E.T. (Parent Effectiveness Training) Instructors in San Diego, California. Congratulations to all of you!
For those who are interested in becoming a certified P.E.T. Instructor, we are looking into the possibility of offering a P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop in the Washington, DC area in the Fall of 2016. This workshop design is based on a “learning-by-doing” model. It combines instruction in the core content and skills from the P.E.T. model with exercises providing practice in dealing with group dynamics and the process of teaching and facilitating the P.E.T. workshop. Don’t miss this opportunity! If you are interested in being kept in the loop about this workshop or would like more information about the certification process, email us at family@gordontraining.com.
Y.E.T. News
Our latest news is that we are working with an NGO in Lebanon to make Y.E.T. available to youth there. The mission of BELIEVE is to “empower young people to become positive change agents and to build a culture of love and peace within their families and communities.”
We hope you had a wonderful year! Here’s to a great 2016!