We have updated P.E.T. (2006), T.E.T. (2006), Be Your Best (2008), the Conflict Resolution Workshop (2008) and most recently, L.E.T. (2012). We’ve also developed a one-day refresher for L.E.T. graduates which is being well-received.
I am glad to announce that the Youth Effectiveness Training (Y.E.T.) program is once again available! We did a complete revision of it in 2011. So far young people in South Korea, China, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Canada and here in the U.S. have participated.
We’ve recently developed a 30-hour T.E.T. course outline. As those of you who offer T.E.T. know, the standard course is 45 hours in length. It was originally created this way to meet a U.S. requirement for teachers who wanted to obtain university credit and needed 45 hours of instruction to get it.
Since this is not the case in other countries, we’ve created an outline for a 30-hour version of the T.E.T. course. It is our hope that this new shortened version will make it possible for more Representatives to offer T.E.T.