As you know, last year was the 50th anniversary of Gordon Training. As one way of celebrating that milestone, we held an L.E.T. Forum in San Diego. This 2-day event was attended by L.E.T. Licensees from 10 different countries and quite a number of L.E.T. Trainers in U.S. companies. The purpose was for trainers to come together with like-minded people, gain a deeper understanding of the L.E.T. program and glean training tips. The L.E.T. Master Trainers essentially put on a graduate seminar in L.E.T. from which everyone gained tremendous value. We also held a special P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop with 21 participants, representing 6 countries including Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan, France and the U.S.
We were honored to have a number of Representatives visit us here in Solana Beach during the year. First, it was our privilege to welcome Mr. Mikio Takagi and three Gordon Instructors from the Japan Institute of Parent Effectiveness Training (JIPET) in Tokyo. We spent a very cordial and informative morning together.
It was also wonderful to meet Nathalie Reinhardt, our French P.E.T. Representative, and her husband, Paul Herlaut. Paul and Nathalie have recently become the new representatives for both T.E.T. and Be Your Best in France and they are planning to launch the Be Your Best course very soon.
Two other Gordon Representatives usually make an annual visit to us and did so again last year. We were very pleased to see Won Kim from South Korea and Alberto Zucconi from Italy.
In case you have not seen it, take a look at the historical timeline I created to commemorate GTI’s 50th anniversary.