We’re proud to announce that Darina Georgieva, our Bulgarian Representative, has scheduled yet another Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) Instructor Training Workshop! It’s happening April 24-29, 2014 in Sofia, Bulgaria and will be conducted by Master Trainer, Steve Emmons.

For the first time, our Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.) will be available in Spain. The premier of L.E.T. in Spain is thanks to our newly established Licensee, Ms. Marta Isasi Mediavilla (at left with one of her favorite books), President of Gordon Training Espana whose headquarters are in Bilbao, Spain.
And in the hometown of Gordon Training, a Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.) Train-the-Trainer workshop just concluded in San Diego, CA (photo below), facilitated by Master Trainer and blogger for GTI, Dr. Bill Stinnett. The workshop took place on April 7-11 and in attendance were participants from the US, Israel and Greece, who will soon be bringing the Gordon skills to their organizations. Welcome new trainers!
Also in April, our PET, TET, and LET Representative for Mexico, Lauro Macias Ortega, along with his fiancée, Alice, visited GTI’s offices—as usual, we had a great time. Lauro will be conducting instructor training once again for Gordon Training Espana for LET and TET in mid-October.
And for something completely unrelated to Gordon Training stuff, we have to mention that our babies have left the nest. By that we mean, we’ve been keeping a watchful eye on baby hummingbirds, posting signs for people to stay clear of the nest and watching them each day as they grow stronger and braver….and yesterday, *sniff*, they left! We will miss them.