With so much to celebrate this holiday season, we’re excited to share lots of fall and winter events both from here in the U.S. and with our Representatives around the world.
October 6-10, we hosted an L.E.T. Train-the-Trainer Workshop facilitated by Master Trainer, Mr. Steve Crandall, on Coronado Island (San Diego) and in attendance were trainers from Canada, Egypt, Greece and Atlanta, GA and Grand Rapids, MI. A truly international group!

On November 3-7, the State of Maine held a private L.E.T. Train-the-Trainer Workshop with Master Trainer, Dr. Bud Upshaw. Several departments have already rolled out the L.E.T. and Conflict Resolution Workshop programs. And now, the Dept. of Corrections, the office of IT, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, and Health and Human Services will be offering L.E.T. to the employees!
Lives in the Balance, a non-profit organization in Portland, Maine hosted a summit in partnership with the Maine Department of Education, and in collaboration with the Department of Corrections and medical and mental health providers from throughout the state. The summit presented complementary workshops on various non-adversarial, non-punitive interventions for the well-being of children with social, emotional and behavioral challenges. Our very own Master Trainer, Steve Emmons, was invited to be a guest speaker and present both our P.E.T. and T.E.T. programs. Audience members included educators from all levels, members from the Department of Education and Department of Corrections, child and adolescent therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists, parents and caregivers.
We welcome our newest P.E.T. Representative in a brand new country, Ms. Priyanka Handa Ram of Botswana! Ms. Ram and her organization, Raising Education within Africa (REWA), held a P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop, December 1-6. This workshop was facilitated by our Representative for South Africa, Ms. Heidi Malan. It was a symbolic moment for us when we prepared the shipment of P.E.T. Instructor Kits to send to Gaborone.
Another first for us at Gordon Training International—Synergistic Selling will be soon be offered in South Africa! Our Licensee, Ms. Faith Masilo, has just secured the license to offer this program in addition to L.E.T., Conflict Resolution Workshop and Be Your Best. Baie geluk (“congratulations” in Afrikaans) to Faith for bringing more Gordon Model programs to her country!
It’s been over 44 years since the P.E.T. book was published, and for the first time ever, it’s available in Czech. This now makes 35 different languages in which the P.E.T. book is published in. And coming up next year, it will be released in Vietnamese.
Also around the world, we had the following workshops take place: instructor training workshops in Spain for T.E.T., R.C.S. and L.E.T. facilitated by our Representative for Mexico, Mr. Lauro Macias Ortega; and an L.E.T. Workshop at Quantum Clean in Israel led by new trainer Ms. Anna Nudelman with assistance from Master Trainer, Dr. Bill Stinnett.
In January, Mr. Ortega will conduct a P.E.T. Instructor Training Workshop in Chile and then travel to Peru to lead both a P.E.T. and a T.E.T./R.C.S. Instructor Training Workshop.
And finally, the first L.E.T. Train-the-Trainer Workshop for 2015 has been scheduled for April 13-17 in San Diego!