General Information

Who is GTI and what does GTI offer?

Gordon Training International was established in 1962 by Dr. Thomas Gordon. We are a human relations training organization and we offer workshops (online and in-person), trainer/facilitator certification (in-person) and books – all based on the Gordon Model. We offer P.E.T., L.E.T., Be Your Best, Y.E.T and T.E.T. programs. We  have representatives in over 40 different countries offering one, some or all of our programs. To contact us, please email us at info@gordontraining.com.

Who was Dr. Thomas Gordon?

He was the founder of Gordon Training International and the author of the following books:

  • Parent Effectiveness Training
  • P.E.T. in Action
  • Leader Effectiveness Training
  • Making the Patient Your Partner
  • Teacher Effectiveness Training
  • Sales Effectiveness Training
  • Teaching Children Self-Discipline (renamed,”Discipline That Works”)

To order any of these books, please visit the Amazon store by clicking here.

What is the Gordon Model?

The Gordon Model consists of using all the following skills in conjunction with each other — Active Listening, I-Messages, The Communication Roadblocks, Shifting Gears, and Method III Conflict Resolution. It was devised by Dr. Thomas Gordon in 1962. We teach this model, using The Behavior Window (created by Dr. Gordon) as a guide to use what skill at what time, in all of our workshops. We refer to the Behavior Window as “Your Relationship GPS”.

How do I buy books by Dr. Gordon?

You can purchase books written by Dr. Thomas Gordon (Founder of Gordon Training International, author of P.E.T., L.E.T., T.E.T., etc.) You can also purchase books by Linda Adams (President of Gordon Training International, author of Be Your Best , revised in 2021) through any online store, amazon.com or call us direct to order.  Links to all of our books and digital/audio versions available can be found here.

Do you have a general workshop on the Gordon Model?

Absolutely! Linda Adams, President and CEO of Gordon Training International, developed “Be Your Best“, a personal development program, which teaches you how to become more effective and take responsibility in both your personal and professional lives. In addition to the communication skills and conflict resolution methods taught, this course offers training in assertive skills, how to handle anxiety, and how to set goals for becoming more fulfilled. To enroll in a Be Your Best Workshop, please email us at info@gordontraining.com.

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.)

Where can I find a P.E.T. Workshop?

We train and certify independent P.E.T. Instructors who set their own scheduling, pricing and location. You can find a current P.E.T. Workshop Calendar by clicking here or by emailing us at family@gordontraining.com.

What will I learn in P.E.T.?

The P.E.T. workshop consists of brief lectures, demonstrations, workbook exercises, role-playing, some homework and small group discussion. You will learn the following skills based on the Gordon Model, taught by a certified P.E.T. Instructor:

  • How to talk to your children so that they will listen to you.
  • How to listen to your children so they feel genuinely understood.
  • How to resolve conflicts and problems in your family so that no one loses and problems stay solved.
  • A method for troubleshooting family problems and knowing which skills to use to solve them.

How can I become a P.E.T. Instructor?

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1 – Complete a P.E.T. Workshop (online or in-person). Contact us for more information: 800.628.1197 or email us at family@gordontraining.com.

Step 2 – Successfully complete the instructor training process. Click here for more information on how you can become certified to teach P.E.T!

Step 3 – Teach a P.E.T. Workshop; submit the participant evaluations to Gordon Training for review for final approval and instructor certification.

Ready to get started? Great! Please e-mail us for more information on how to enroll and to receive an application: family@gordontraining.com

Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.)

How can I take an L.E.T. Workshop?

We have a workshop (online or in-person) calendar that lists dates, time zones/locations and how to enroll.

If you don’t find a date that works for you, you can have an L.E.T. Trainer come to you. Please see this page for more information on our L.E.T. On-site Workshops.

What will I learn in L.E.T.?

The L.E.T. program was designed to help leaders with reducing people problems with their team/department/company. Dubbed “The Four Essential Skills for People Problems”, L.E.T. provides the tools and skills to strengthen and develop long-lasting, productive and satisfying relationships. In L.E.T. you will learn how to develop your interpersonal communication skills and conflict resolution competencies as a manager or supervisor. (Our L.E.T. materials were revised in January, 2023.)  Email us for more information: workplace@gordontraining.com

How can I become an L.E.T. Facilitator?

When you complete the certification process, you can be an L.E.T. Facilitator. The process consists of these four Phases:

Phase I – Attend the L.E.T. Workshop. (Online or in-person)

Phase II – Attend an L.E.T. Facilitator Certification Workshop. (In-person only)

Phase III – Generate and co-teach an L.E.T. Workshop (in-person) to at least five participants with a Master L.E.T. Facilitator in attendance and submit the participant evaluations to Gordon Training International (GTI). A positive assessment of the participant evaluations along with the Master L.E.T. Facilitator’s evaluation of your ability to effectively teach the L.E.T. Workshop enables you to move to Phase 4.

Phase IV – Generate an L.E.T. Workshop, which you will teach on your own. Submit the participant evaluations to GTI. A positive assessment of these evaluations by GTI will result in L.E.T. Facilitator certification.

For more information on Facilitator Workshop dates, you can visit this page.

For more information, please contact us:

Tel: 800.628.1197
Em: info@gordontraining.com

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