Gordon Training International (GTI) has International Licensees who have the exclusive rights to deliver our Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.), L.E.T. Refresher or Conflict Resolution Workshop, C.R.W. (and they often offer other GTI programs, too) programs in their respective country and language. All of GTI’s programs are copyrighted and the content is owned by GTI. Please refer to the country of interest and feel free to contact the Licensee directly. If you don’t see a country listed, that means we do not have a Licensee there. And that also means we’re in need of a Licensee so if you and your organization (or if you know of an organization) are interested, please contact us – we’d love to hear from you: workplace@gordontraining.com.
Here is a list of all our programs at Gordon Training International. Click on the links to learn more about each program.
Be Your Best (B.Y.B.)
Conflict Resolution Workshop (C.R.W.)
Leader Effectiveness Training (L.E.T.)
L.E.T. Refresher Workshop
Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.)
Teacher Effectiveness Training (T.E.T.)
Youth Effectiveness Training (Y.E.T.)
Company: Effectiveness Training Institute of Australia Ltd. (ETIA, Ltd.)
Contact: Kathryn Tonges, President
Email: kathryn.tonges@etia.org
Web: www.etia.org
Program(s) Offered: P.E.T., T.E.T., Y.E.T., B.Y.B., L.E.T.
Company: Gordon Group Bulgaria 2017 LTD
Contact: Darina Georgieva
Address: 22 Konstantin Fotinov str.
Tel: +359 89 8579018
Web: www.gordonbulgaria.com
Email: gordonbulgaria@gmail.com
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T., P.E.T., T.E.T., Y.E.T., B.Y.B.
Representing: Anhui, Henan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shanghai and Zhejiang
Company: Hangzhou Singing Education Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Vivila Huang
Address: Room 1102, No.81, Lane 1111 Donglan Road
Minhang District
Shanghai 201101
Tel: +0086-18717850178
Email: xinningsh@outlook.com
Program(s) Offered: P.E.T., Y.E.T., L.E.T. (Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu), T.E.T.
Company: Gordon Training Egypt
Contact: Dr. Azza Abul-Fadl, Ms. Ayah Sarhan, Ms. Iman Sarhan
Address: 26B, El Gezira Al Wosta
Zamalek, Cairo
Email: info@gordontrainingegypt.com
Web: www.gordontrainingegypt.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/
Program(s) Offered: P.E.T., B.Y.B., T.E.T., Y.E.T., L.E.T.
Company: Koulutus ja työnohjaus Talvio Oy [Training and Consulting Talvio Inc.]
Contact: Markus Talvio
Address: Eläinlääkärinkatu 7 b 38
00580 Helsinki
Tel: +358 451341634
Email: markus@markustalvio.com
Web: www.markustalvio.com
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T.
Company: Gordon Crossings
Contact: Nathalie Reinhardt and Paul Herlaut
Address: 55 rue Lauriston
Paris 75116
Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 53 60 55
Email: contact@gordoncrossings.com
Web: www.gordon-crossings.com
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T., Y.E.T., T.E.T., P.E.T., B.Y.B.
Company: Gordon Hellas
Contact: Alexandros Papagos
Address: Frangoklisias 9
Marousi 151-25
Tel: +302106152321
Email: info@gordonhellas.gr
Web: www.gordonhellas.gr
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T., P.E.T., Y.E.T., T.E.T., B.Y.B.
Company: FLOW Group of Hungary
Contact: Peter Papp
Address: Zichy Geza u 5
Budapest, 1146
Email: pepe@flowcsoport.hu
Web: www.flowcsoport.hu/
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T.
Company: Gordon Training Iceland
Contact: Guðmundur G. Hauksson
Address: Fletturima 1
112 Reykjavik
Email: gudmundur@gordon.is
Web: https://www.gordon.is/
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T.
Company: I.A.C.P.
Contact: Alberto Zucconi
Address: Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, 99
Roma, 00185
Tel: +3906-77-200357
Fax: +3906-77-200353
Email: info@iacp.it
Web: www.iacp.it
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T., P.E.T., Y.E.T., T.E.T.
Company: Second Wind Co., Ltd.
Contact: Kazuko M. Miller
Address: 2-8-10-601 Koenji-Kita
Tokyo 166-0002
Tel: +81-3-5356-7285
Email: kazuko-m-miller_1220@2nd-wind.co.jp
Web: www.2nd-wind.co.jp
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T., C.R.W., L.E.T. Refresher
Company: Centre d’Education Permanente des Adultes
Contact: Nadya R.H. Rakotonirina
Address: Lot IVT, 15 Tsaramasay
Antananarivo, 101
Tel: 24 250 44
Email: cepamic2016@gmail.com
Program(s) Offered: P.E.T., T.E.T., L.E.T., Y.E.T.
Company: NET – Stichting Ned. Effectiviteits Trainingen
Contact: Saskia Henderson
Address:In de Korenmolen 29
1115 GN Duivendrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +0031 6 29908621
Email: info@gordoncommunicatie.nl
Web: www.gordontraining.nl and www.gordoncommunicatie.nl
Program(s) Offered: B.Y.B., P.E.T., T.E.T., Y.E.T., L.E.T.
Company: Comfort Communicatie in Relaties
Contact: Ruth Groeneveld, President
Address: Vlamoven 34
6826 TN Arnhem
The Netherlands
Tel: +0031 854013690
Email: contact@comfortcommunicatie.nl
Web: www.comfortcommunicatie.nl
Program(s) Offered: C.R.W., Conflict Resolution Workshop (Conflicthantering met de Gordon® Methode)
Company: Gordon Relationship Trainings
Contact: Iulia Zamfir
Address: str. Mihai bravu nr 12, bl P21-p21a, ap 89
Tel: +40 0723 416 888
Email: iulia@gordontraining.ro
Web: www.gordontraining.ro
Program(s) Offered: P.E.T., L.E.T.
Contact: Heidi Malan
Address: 109 Brooks St
Pretoria, 0181
Tel: 082 904 8127
Email: info@parents.co.za
Web: www.parents.co.za/
Program(s) Offered: P.E.T., Y.E.T., T.E.T., B.Y.B., L.E.T.
Company: Management Development Institute
Contact: Jun Ho Lee
Address: Jisan B/D 6th floor, 97 46 Gil
Seocho Dae-ro, Post 137-874
Tel: +822-578-7030-1
Fax: +822-522-9051
Email: ljh@mdikorea.or.kr
Web: http://www.mdikorea.or.kr
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T., B.Y.B., T.E.T., Y.E.T.
Company: Gordon Training Egypt-Leading From Within
Contact: Ms. Iman Sarhan
Address: Holystone Grange
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Email: info@gordontrainingegypt.com
Web: www.gordontrainingegypt.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/
Program(s) Offered: P.E.T., B.Y.B., T.E.T., Y.E.T., L.E.T.
Company: Sylvan Training & Consulting
Contact: Nguyen Thuy Uyen Phuong
Address: 329/5-7 Nguyen Trong Tuyen St.
Phu Nhuan District
Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: +84 (8) 3997 3585
Email: phuongntu@tomato.edu.vn
Web: www.tomato.edu.vn/
Program(s) Offered: L.E.T., T.E.T., Y.E.T., P.E.T., B.Y.B.
For more information, please contact us:
Tel: 800.628.1197
Em: workplace@gordontraining.com