This particular workshop’s origin dates back to a special one-day worldwide event sponsored by GTI and its network of authorized instructors on April 28, 1990. On that day, elements of the training were offered free of charge to anyone over the age of 15 years. It was provided as a contribution of GTI and its instructors to furthering world peace. We wanted to spread the idea throughout the world that conflicts between individuals, groups and nations could be resolved peacefully. On that one day, 15,000 people were trained in countries around the world. It began in the early morning with courses in Australia, then Japan and Korea, then Madagascar, South Africa, throughout Europe, then on to Iceland and Bermuda, and then workshops in states throughout the U.S. mainland and finally ending with a course in Hawaii. The Gordon Model went around the world in one day.
The purpose of the C.R.W. Program is:
- To help an organization develop a culture in which conflict is accepted as a reality and is openly expressed.
- To present the two win-lose methods for dealing with conflicts and their negative consequences.
- To present a third method of resolving conflicts in which nobody loses, both parties win.
- To provide supervisors and team leaders with a six-step procedure for effectively resolving conflicts so no one loses.
- To provide training in the specific communication skills supervisors and team leaders need to become proficient in using the Method III.
- To show how supervisors and team leaders can use the Six Steps of Method III as a mediator of others’ conflicts.
Key benefits of this workshop are:
- You will learn how to encourage others to tell you accurately their position or needs in the conflict.
- You will learn how to communicate your position in the conflict non-blamefully, thus avoiding escalation of conflicts.
- You will learn how both parties in conflicts can be influenced to stop arguing about competing solutions and instead share their needs.
- You will learn how to handle anger, which can so often escalate conflicts.
- You will learn how to encourage creative thinking in your search for the best solution to conflicts.
- You will learn how to greatly increase the motivation of both parties to carry out whatever solution you have agreed to.
For more information, please contact us: